⭐️ Christian Greetings to ALL PEACEMAKERS⭐️
⭐️Be encouraged to walk out of the shadows and darkness of this world to follow the STAR of LIGHT and PEACE as the shepherds did long ago and who DID find what they were searching for: unconditional LOVE and a sense of belonging. ⭐️
Peacemakers -e-bulletin no.16 December 2018
Like any changes you have to make in life, it’s difficult to accept and adjust to a new way. Peacemakers are not exempt from this experience either. It has been a difficult transition period for us but with God’s help we are moving in the right direction. ⭐️
We are now closing down the old way of management and starting up a new more homely environment with a commercial edge at our Resource Centre in Kenya. ⭐️ It has always been the intention to advertise the venue and facilities for hire in order to fund and maintain the Centre and provide support to our activities and the surrounding communities. The aim being, to make the project self -sufficient.
We plan to provide, what we are calling the Peacemakers Homestead, which will be accommodation with food, for visitors to enjoy within the grounds of the Resource Centre and for them to see first- hand how Kenyans live. ⭐️This beautiful venue will also be available to hire for weddings, conferences and training courses, plus for a short holiday ‘stay’ on the way to safari.
⭐️ Cameron Millikan, a dear Australian friend who had been working in London, volunteered to help us and visited the project for two weeks on his way home to Australia. He was able to create a new web-site in Kenya and has helped promote our name and purposes on the internet including plans and advertising for the new ‘Homestead’ project. ⭐️I can now tell you that the new email address is peacemakers.homestead.kenya@gmail.com and to view the website, click here: https://peacemakers-homestead-kenya.business.site/
Peacemakers will still be very active within the original vision at home and abroad, consolidating relationships with local ministers and stakeholders. We will now have to proceed to register and licence this new business venture with the Kenyan Government. ⭐️ We will remain a non-profit making organisation with our income used to fund the Resource Centre, provide wages for the new staff and to continue our on-going support to the vulnerable in the community.
⭐️ Meanwhile I would like to thank you for your continued prayerful and financial support and would ask if you could help in a small way to contribute towards the costs of the furnishings for our accommodation units and the licences we need to get us started on this new road. ⭐️
It is a very troubled world we live in but I and the Peacemakers Team would like to extend the Peace and Love that Jesus brings when we seek Him.⭐️
May you and your families have a Joyful Christmas and a Prosperous New Year 🎄❄️
With love from