We are moving towards the Grand Opening of the Resource Centre and have settled on a date of 25th February 2017, which is usually a dry season! At present I'm unable to travel to Kenya because I have a couple of leaky heart valves and so cannot cope with the high altitude, remember Nairobi is 6000ft above sea level and the Peacemakers site is on the edge of the lowlands of Mt. Kenya. Consequently, I'm trying to find a person(s) of some standing in the communities to ‘cut the ribbon’. I’m in touch with my MP Sir Oliver Heald, to help us in establishing a working relationship with the MP responsible for Kenya. It was Nick Hurd MP but since “Brexit” there’s been a reshuffle and it's now James Wharton MP, so I will extend an invitation to him.
So far, we’ve had a few responses from the 34 companies we wrote to in Kenya for future sponsorships. They've sent forms for us to fill-in, which we will return a.s.a.p. We have also recently written to the British Embassy in Nairobi and other Christian organisations.
We recently had a couple of fund raising events in August. Saturday 6th was on our Resource Centre in Kathageri, Kenya, and raised an incredible 142,000 Ksh (£1,150). This shows the support there is with the locals who are benefitting enormously from all the projects initiated through Peacemakers. Then on the Monday the 8th we held a Craft and Tea Event at Clare and Phil Stokes’ house and raised a further £500.00
Thank you to all for attending – you now know
what that money is going towards.
Jackie in Kenya, read on below!
You saw in our last Bulletin No..9 that Jackie North, the mother of Sophie was visiting Kenya for the second time. She was not disappointed and has come back inspired and wants to help with some of the organising leading up to the ‘Opening’. The main part of her involvement is to keep people in the UK informed of the ‘Walk’ from Mombasa to the Resource Centre arriving 25th February. An elderly Kenyan, Isaac Gacugo, has volunteered to walk 570 km for Peacemakers, to make it known to all the districts he’ll be walking through, just what Peacemakers have done and brought to his people for free. it will take him 3 weeks; He cannot thank God enough. So that’s Isaac’s part, Jackie will send out a special bulletin shortly to explain her ideas of how we can all be involved.
The 2 young students, Alice and Hannah have now returned from their visit to Kenya and were involved in the Fund Raiser Day. They couriered lots of items for us to have a stall on the day, and have returned excited and wanting to help further with the very needy in the area. More news later.
Update on the progress of the Resource Centre: We have moved on with the kitchen and restaurant (see pictures below) and now doing grills for security, but we need funds. The plan is to get to Hygiene level, register for tax and business, train for certificate and inspection, all by October!
It’s now getting very exciting and may I extend an early invitation to you to join all the other Peacemakers to the ‘Opening’ Celebration!
Access to the restaurant!
Above are a couple of pictures showing a new addition to the resource centre! A young heifer, donated by Sammy to supply milk for use at the centre. She's been named 'Mpwenda' in Swahili and when she's old enough she'll be sired, the resultant calves will be placed with schools or groups in the area to supply milk for the needy. She was lonely and pining when she arrived on site, so the handler brought his own calf along to keep her company, ahh! It's also great to see the "Pickup", paid for by a generous friend of Peacemakers, still working hard after all these years!
An update-bulletin will follow shortly.
Every blessing for now,