Drugs & AIDS Education

In 2011, because the scope of the Peacemakers Drugs Awareness work was significant and more extensive than a locally based organisation, we had been encouraged by the Social Services Department to register CADA (Campaign against Drug Abuse) separately. In 2012, CADA applied for TOWA (Total War on AIDS) funding to deliver Behaviour Change education for HIV AIDS and Drugs related issues. We were successful and visited 30 schools, 10 colleges and our own drug addicts group performed a drama in ten market places. We reached over 10, 000 people in six months. We have been offering rehabilitative counselling and accommodation to several addicts on site. The group have started some rabbits and chickens projects but are seeking funding for a more sustainable enterprise like fruit pulping for juice and jam, cake making, flour making or agricultural project. We have been sending proposals to various funders and pray to be successful at some time. There are many addicts and broken families within our community. As well as the continued issues around women and girls education, we must also consider the plights of the young men as so many are out of school, unemployed and without hope. Many are affected by the abuse of local brew, cannabis and miraa.